HirePro – CSR Initiatives
Last updated: December 2023
Introduction HirePro Technologies Private Limited is involved in recruitment, recruitment process management, and staffing services all falling under the service category of manpower recruitment and management services. It has always been the endeavour of the company to be at the forefront with regard to social and environmental responsibility. As a responsible corporate citizen, we aim to contribute to social and environmental causes on a regular basis. For us Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an added opportunity to bring value to our stakeholders’ lives, and in a small possible way bring about a difference that we all want to see and be. Keywords and meaning
- “Act” shall mean the Companies Act 2013, including any modifications, amendments, or re‐enactment thereof.
- “Approved Budget” shall mean the total budget as approved by the Board of the company upon the recommendation of the CSR Committee, which is to be utilised for CSR projects.
- “Board” shall mean the Board of Directors of the company.
- “CSR Annual Plan” shall mean the annual plan detailing the CSR expenditure for the year.
- “CSR Committee” shall mean the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee constituted by the Board of the company in accordance with the Act.
- “CSR Policy” shall mean the present Corporate Social Responsibility policy of the company, which covers the activities to be undertaken by the company as specified in Schedule VII to the Act and the CSR expenditure thereon.
- “CSR Projects” or “Projects” means Corporate Social Responsibility projects/activities/ programs/ initiatives, instituted in India, either new or ongoing, and includes but is not limited to those undertaken by the Board in pursuance of recommendations of the CSR Committee as per the declared CSR.
- “Financial Year” shall mean the period beginning from 1st April of every year to 31st March of the succeeding year.
- “Net profit” shall mean the net profit as per the Act and Rules based on which the specific percentage for CSR expenditure has to be calculated.
- “Rules” shall mean the Companies (Corporate Social Responsibility) Rules 2014, including any re‐enactment, modifications or, amendments thereof.
Objective The CSR policy of HirePro Technologies Private Limited has been framed by HirePro Technologies Private Limited (the company) in accordance with the Section 135, Schedule VII of the Companies Act, 2013, and CSR Rules issued by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs on February 27, 2014. Unless the context otherwise requires, the definitions mentioned in the notification dated February 27, 2014 and Companies Act 2013, shall apply to this CSR policy CSR Committee The Company has constituted the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (“the committee”) comprising of following two Directors.
- Mr. Anshuman Das – Director
- Mr. Rishi Das – Director
Board of Directors of the company may re-constitute the committee as and when required to do so by following the sections, sub-sections, rules, regulations, notifications issued, or to be issued from time to time by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs, or the Central Government of India. The committee shall exercise powers and perform the functions assigned to it by the Board of Directors of the company pursuant to Section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013, and the CSR Rules notified with regard thereto Role of CSR Board members/ Committee Role of the CSR Committee includes-
- Drafting of the CSR policy and recommend the same to the Board for approval.
- Review and recommend any new CSR initiatives to be taken up by the company including the selection/appointment of implementation agencies.
- Review the progress of CSR projects already undertaken by the company and the utilisation of budgets for each such project(s).
- Review and recommend the CSR report to be included in the Board’s report.
- Review and recommend any amendments to be made in the CSR policy of the company.
- To formulate annual action plan.
- Ensure that the company spends minimum 2% of the net average net profit made during the three immediately preceding years.
- Ensure that CSR activities are undertaken either by the company itself or through other entity and form CSR-1 is filled with ROC.
- Monitor implementation of CSR projects or modify such projects, if required.
- Ensure that the funds have been utilised for the purpose and manner approved by the Board.
- To carry such other functions as may be delegated to it by the Board relating to CSR activities of the company.
CSR activities Pursuant to Schedule VII of the Act the scope of the CSR activities of the company will cover the following areas but not limited to the same, and may extend to other specific projects/ programs as permitted under the law from time to time.
- Eradicating hunger, poverty and malnutrition. Promoting preventive healthcare and sanitation to the public.
- Promoting education, including special education and employment enhancing vocation skills especially among children, women, elderly and the differently abled, and livelihood enhancement projects.
- Promoting gender equality and empowerment.
- Ensuring environmental sustainability.
- Protection of national heritage, art and culture.
- Measures for the benefit of armed forces veterans, war widows and their dependants.
- Training to promote rural sports, nationally recognised sports, Paralympic games and Olympic sports.
- Contribution to Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund or any other fund set up by Central Govt. for socio-economic development and relief and welfare of the Schedule Caste, tribes and other backward classes, minorities, and women.
- Contribution or funds provided to technology incubators located within academic institutions which are approved by the Central Government.
- Rural infrastructure development projects
- Slum area development
- Disaster management, including relief, rehabilitation and reconstruction activities
Implementation The company shall undertake CSR projects which are closely linked with the principles of sustainable development and shared value with involvement of local institutions, and the community at large. The CSR core team would assist in implementation and monitoring of the CSR projects / initiatives. The actual implementation of various initiatives would be broad-based with the involvement of various employees/units or through implementing agencies like NGOs, Trusts, Societies, Section 8 / Section 25 companies or through collaborative projects with other corporate(s). CSR Committee/ Board meetings
- The CSR Committee shall meet as and when required.
- Members of the CSR Committee can agree upon mutually regarding time and place for the said meetings.
- Meetings of CSR Committee may be called by giving three days notice.
- Quorum for the meeting shall be one-third of its total strength (any fraction contained in that one-third be rounded off as one) or two members, whichever is higher.
- Minutes of the CSR Committee shall be placed before the Board for noting.
- CSR expenditure / budget – The Act mandates companies meeting the qualification criteria to allocate certain portion of its annual net profits (before tax) during the three immediately preceding financial years, to be spent on CSR activities that fall under purview of Schedule VII of the Act.
- CSR expenditure – Net profit means profit more fully described under Rule 2(f) of the CSR Rules. The CSR expenditure shall include all expenditure including contribution to corpus or on projects or programs relating to CSR activities approved by the Board on the recommendation of the CSR Committee but does not include any expenditure on an item not in conformity, or not in line with activities stated under Schedule VII of the Act.
- In case the company fails to spend the above targeted amount in that particular financial year, the committee shall submit a report in writing to the Board specifying the reasons for not spending the amount, which in turn shall be reported by the Board in the Directors’ Report for that particular financial year. Surplus arising out of the CSR initiatives shall not form part of the business profits of the company.
Monitoring of CSR activities CSR Committee of the company will be responsible for the monitoring of various CSR projects or programs undertaken by the company directly or indirectly. The committee shall ensure that:
- Company undertakes the CSR activities as provided in the CSR policy.
- The projects/ programs are implemented as per the program approved by the Board.
- The budget allocated for each of the project is utilised for the projects as per the approved plans.
- Company shall provide necessary resources and human capital for implementation and the effective monitoring of the CSR projects and programs as may be directed by the CSR Committee. The services of any external agencies or persons who have experience in the same, or similar projects, or programs undertaken, or proposed to be undertaken by the company may also be made available for successful implementation and monitoring of the project.
Reporting of CSR policy The committee is responsible to undertake CSR activities as per the approved CSR policy. Apart from quarterly reporting to the Board about the implementation of CSR activity, a detailed report containing the implementation schedule, total budget allocated, actual expenses incurred, surplus arising if any, result achieved, further work to be done in the concerned CSR activity, must be prepared. Recommendation for the CSR activities for next year should be placed before the Board for its consideration. Any surplus arising out of the fund allocated for CSR activity shall not be the part of the business profit of the company. Amendment of CSR policy The CSR policy of the company may be amended at any time by the Board of the company on the recommendation of the CSR Committee.