Video Interviews The Future Is Here

Video Interviews: The Future is Here!

A recent Gartner survey revealed an interesting trend in the recruitment sector: 89 per cent organisations are moving to video interviewing. Yes, the adoption of video interviews was accelerated by the social distancing norms we have been living under. This trend, however, is sure to prevail, even after the pandemic becomes a memory as organisations have been changing the way they work during this period.

A recent study by Dell Technologies states that 80 percent of businesses fast tracked their digital transformation projects in 2020. The same report also states that 90–100 percent of employees are currently working remotely. These trends, coupled with the many advantages that video interviews offer, will ensure that virtual recruitment is here to stay.

Video Interviews The Future Is Here

What boxes do they tick?

Video interviews have many advantages. Let’s take a look at some of them and see if they are worth your while.

Showcase your employer brand

If you wish to be ahead of the game in hiring great talent, you need to position yourself as an empathetic, employee-friendly organisation. Meeting candidates through video interviews enhances your employer brand. It gives you an opportunity to introduce the company culture and story so far, quite early in the recruitment cycle. This enhances your chance of engaging candidates by kindling a feeling of connection with the organisation. Video interviews allow you the ability to be more flexible about the interview time. It demonstrates that you value the candidate’s time and effort.

Sift through the rubble early

Traditionally, interviews have been the last step in the recruitment process. You would first sift through the candidates and call only shortlisted candidates for an interview. This is because a face-to-face interview involves time and travel for the candidate. It involves many moving parts and extra costs from the organisation’s side too. Video interviews take away this barrier. You can invite candidates for video interviews even at the initial stages of the recruitment process as it does not involve the candidate travelling to your office. This helps you engage with the candidate sooner, and shortlist suitable candidates for a more intense review which may also include another round of video interviews with key stakeholders. As you are able to identify suitable candidates quite early in the recruitment cycle, you can significantly shorten the hiring cycle. This then saves time and cost as you are able to make quality hires efficiently.

Cast a wider net

Today’s talent shortage makes it imperative that you reach a wider audience in your search for the right resource. You cannot afford to limit your search to where your organisation is physically present. Video interviews remove the geographical barrier imposed by face-to-face interviews. You can interact and select candidates from any geographical location through video interviews. If you hire only freelancers and remote workers, then you might only meet the candidate through a video interview.

Optimise your resources

Recruitment teams are stretched to the maximum with the ever-increasing demand for skilled resources. Video interviews allow them a consistent, scalable candidate screening and interviewing process flow. Video interviews are good for initial screening to assess personality, culture fit and soft skills of candidates – critical factors when you’re looking for the right hire. If there are stakeholders who cannot find the time to conduct the interview, you could record the video interview for evaluation at a later stage. This mode of asynchronous interviews allows interviewers to review the interviewee in their own time. It also gives the candidate the flexibility to take the interview at their convenience.

The arrow is swift

Recruiters are in a constant race to find the right candidate as quickly as possible. It’s not enough that you find the right candidate; you also need to hire and onboard the candidate before your competitor beats you to it. Video interviews make the decision making process swifter and easier. You’ll find that it’s easier schedule a video interview than a face-to-face interview. The interview can be recorded and used to analyse the fit of the candidate, and make a quick decision.

To enhance your hiring processes, make sure that your recruitment partner is able to conduct live video interviews with screen sharing and whiteboarding. It would also be great if your recruitment partner has the ability to embed video into the entire hiring process. Your ability to conduct video interviews successfully might be crucial to your recruitment success in the future.

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Sarala Vanga

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