
5 Best Interview-as-a-Service Providers to Identify the Right Talent in 2023

At a time when news of layoffs is rife, companies are still trying to find the right talent for projects. Hence, interview-as-a-service platforms set their sights to evaluate the right candidate with their precise screening methodologies. Finding the right talent for the project, motivating them to give their all on the job are all important recruiting companies’ concerns. A recruiter’s job now includes much more than just recruiting, as the recruiting pool is expanding and the hiring process is shifting to a virtual one. Additionally, as a result of this, there are now more interview platforms attempting to bridge the skills shortage gap.

With automated, AI-powered workflows that provide the speed and precision needed in university hiring, HirePro is a platform that can be accessed and utilized by all the stakeholders in various college hiring procedures. The platform provides digital-cheating detection and control using AI-driven, live, and automated proctoring a smooth experience for job seekers attending hiring occasions, with automated progress updates and post-offer help desk support

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