Using Asynchronous Video Interviews To Improve Recruiting

Using asynchronous video interviews to improve recruiting

Numerous companies consist of talent acquisition teams, HR personnel and recruiting managers who conduct asynchronous interviews to make the onboarding process cost-effective, convenient and less time-consuming.

An asynchronous video interview is one in which the interviewer asks a set of recorded questions to the candidates, which are to be answered by the prospective employees within a fixed period. These can be recorded on a web camera or a smartphone and sent to the recruitment teams to take things forward. Unlike live interviews, conference apps or video-calling sessions, here the interviewer and the candidates do not interact with each other face-to-face.

Companies use an asynchronous interview platform to gauge whether the candidates are real or not. Besides, they help prevent the use of unscrupulous methods to pass with flying colours.

HirePro is a platform that endorses asynchronous interviews to make the process of hiring competent employees easier.

Using Asynchronous Video Interviews To Improve Recruiting

Here’s a run-through of how asynchronous video interviews facilitate the recruitment process:

Optimise the onboarding process

While attending asynchronous interviews, prospective employees can schedule a time without rearranging their activities. This motivates the candidates to give their best shot at the interview and seamlessly complete the recruitment process.

An interesting feature of asynchronous video interviews is that they encapsulate similar questions for the candidates, which they can answer at their own pace. The talent acquisition managers can schedule the day and time of the interview and instruct the candidates to download the software that will enable the interview session to take place.

As everyone has the same set of questions to answer, there is no bias or unfair judgement from the recruiting teams. Instead, there is a level-playing field for the candidates to showcase their skills, use the opportunity to their advantage and perform well.

Asynchronous interviews dispel all myths about favouritism or leveraging one prospective employee over the other.

Asynchronous interviews also take away the stress and anxiety that candidates face as they do not have to answer spontaneously. They can take their time, rehearse the answers and practise to perfection before they send back their responses.

During the interviews, there is no background cacophony or network issues disrupting the flow and making things go haywire.

With the advent of technology, effective AI-powered systems that assist HR personnel in gauging the level of responses provided by the candidates have been developed.

These are less intimidating and daunting for prospective employees. As the candidates do not have to travel far and wide, video interviews are cost-effective for both the organisation and the prospects. The HR teams do not have to pay for the expenses and can use the money to develop their resources and upskill their company.

Collaborative and bias-free process

Several team members can evaluate the responses and provide constructive feedback during asynchronous interviews. HRs and other company staff can collaborate and give input that might be necessary for selecting the top candidates.

Also, the evaluating teams make use of AI-enabled systems to take their time to assess the answers, linguistic abilities, tone, articulation and competencies of the candidates, along with their interpersonal or communication skills.

Asynchronous interviews reduce the screening time and allow talent acquisition teams to assess a large number of candidates within a short span. They also structure the recruitment process by segmenting things.

While assessing the candidates, HR teams can consider other parameters such as body language, confidence, effortless narration and personality traits.

The assessment teams can make fast decisions about the candidates’ performances. The process eliminates all the stereotypes and sheds away  misconceptions about conducting interviews.

Seamless and hassle-free process

Conducting asynchronous interviews is considered a smart move. Companies that use this process when interviewing candidates have come a long way.

Asynchronous interviews certainly elevate the profile of the organisation. They bring much pat and praise to HR teams. When people learn that a company uses asynchronous interviews, they spread the word about it in their social circles.

Besides, such interviews make the candidates and the interviewers feel at home by removing any barriers and inhibitions that may be hampering candidates’ performances. They allow candidates to be their natural selves and express their thoughts freely.

These interviews prevent any sort of impersonation or suspicious activities that could get candidates eliminated from the selection process. If the prospective employees provide constructive feedback, then companies can make revisions and improvements.

Thus, the process of conducting asynchronous interviews speaks volumes of the company’s work ethics. With the advancement of technology, AI-enabled systems that assess the performance of the candidates have emerged. The preparation time it facilitates makes the candidates comfortable. Since asynchronous interviews can be scheduled at the candidates’ convenience without them having to rearrange their activities, prospects are more open to the idea.

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